Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Project Pictures!

Final Projects Pictures finally uploaded.  It took me quite a while just to get the setup but I am relatively happy with the outcome.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to fix the problem with the sensor, and I did not showcase it as I wanted to, but that's the learning process.  I showed the class what I have, and I can just hope for next time that I am more well prepared for the project and at least now I know how long before a project is due to order a part that I need.  I will definitely continue working on this, maybe get a thinner breadboard, perfect the wiring, and get a smaller battery, possibly a coin cell battery, to conserve space, and maybe more lights.

Project Day

Went in early to get the project finished and I started to solder, but the sensor broke.  I quickly went to find Avani and John to see if they could help me.  Luckily, John had an extra sensor.  I hooked it up and an hour before class started, I think that I might have blown this sensor out.  I had to make due with that and deal with what happened.  I will post pictures in a bit when I can.

Final Night Post

Obviously I might have posted this late but better late than never.  I went out get some of the things I need.  I went to Home Depot to get magnets and electric tape, and found the perfect gloves at Target for a dollar.  When I got home, I was successfully able to test everything and it seemed that I had everything all set up.  Unfortunately I do not have the soldering iron so the electric tape will have to do.  I have everything set up, and now all I have to do is go in early tomorrow and solder it together, connect the pieces and put it all together.
Fritzing diagram is done.  Had to make my own sensor because it does not have hall effects sensors in the initial selection of sensors.  I have about 85% of the powerpoint done as of right now.  I just need a few more slides and some more information and I should be good for tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

T-Minus 13 and a half hours and I am just about finished with my project.  I have all the necessary components and now it's just a matter of putting everything together.  I actually can't wait to show people.  This is pretty exciting.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Post!

I've been researching the hall effect sensor for the past couple of days now.  Basically, I am trying to create, in a sense, an E.T. glove that will light up the index finger when another person with a different glove gets close with their index finger, like the famous scene in the movie.  I am trying to figure out the best way to put together my project without it being bulky or terrible.  Sofar, I have found thin grey gloves to act as a housing for the wires and the LED's but I may have to figure out an alternative place to but the breadboard and the arduino.