Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains"

This short story is about a futuristic home that is in a world that has been ravaged by war and famine.  The particular home that is referenced has long since been abandoned by it's owners, but the robot servants continue on as if they were still there.  Unfortunately, a brush fire starts near the home, and the robots are unable to quell the fire in time. This short story felt very close to the worlds created in movies like I,Robot and Back to the Future part II.  It had a clear message that the overuse of technology will eventually kill us but I have to disagree with the story.  It is a very one-sided view of this controversial topic and it generalizes our dependence on technology.  While the increase in our dependence has exploded over just the past 10 years, this story seemed just a bit too extreme.  I felt that the sudden fire at the end was seemingly out of nowhere and also kind of rash.

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