Friday, March 30, 2012

Data Viz Show

I recently went to visit the IMM gallery's show and I was pleasantly surprised at what I found.  When I walked in, I saw a wide range of different art pieces ranging from typical drawings to clever forms of expression that are quite modern and unusual in a gallery.  The one that stuck out is the bot-controlled Counter-Strike game in which every time a player dies, a bit of red blood shoots out of a nozzle to simulate the killing in a much more real sense.  By the time I went to the gallery, the wall and floor had been soaked in red blood.  Next to the blood was a large pile of small pieces of paper that had various twitter feeds printed on it.  I was told that on the first day, the rate that the paper was going would envelop the whole room so the artist had to adjust the feed to make it write less.  These two are perfect examples of how even when you think a project it done, minor and sometimes even major tweaking is never out of the question and very possible after submission of a final product.  The gallery as a whole was fascinating and a very insightful experience in my opinion, and I would like to see more of these in the upcoming future.

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