Friday, March 30, 2012

Physical Computing's Greatest Hits
This reading is based on Tom Igoe's blog post about Physical Computing's Greatest Hits. While reading this, I noticed a bunch of new cool gadgets and inventions that were very intriguing to me, specifically the gloves and the multi-touch interfaces.  For my stupid pet trick, I attempted to create a wearable project, and to my dismay, it was a bit out of my league in terms of creation, implementation, and actually making  it work was a pain in it self.  But I learned a good amount of stuff from trying new things and I was especially excited to read through this.  The multi-touch interfaces have also been something that I have always wanted to see and try out, but never had the chance to.  I know that Microsoft released a prototype sometime last year with an outrageous estimate, so I know that mass market production won't happen for some time, but it's still something to look forward to.  All in all, this was a good read with many very cool and neat ideas that I will definitely try to implement in my final project.

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